Have you started studying for finals? What techniques and tools are you using to study? Do you have any recommendations on what to do and what not to do when studying?
I honestly haven't formally started studying for finals yet (shoutout to all my procrastinators), but I think that technically I've started studying since the beginning of the semester. I think that I have a decent amount of information drilled into my brain from all my different classes, so I think that if people haven't started studying yet, they shouldn't worry! But definitely
don't recommend cramming the night of!! In terms of techniques and tools for studying, everyone has to realize that they need to find their own way to study. Everyone has unique studying styles that take quite a while to figure out, but this is the perfect time to figure it out considering we're all staying home and staying safe! Right nursing students...? If there's one thing I'd recommend for studying is to make sure you incorporate breaks into your schedules! Last semester, I tried to study for six hours straight but it ended up with me feeling super burnt out or constantly being distracted every five minutes. To make sure I get my breaks, I use the Pomodoro Technique! This technique consists of 25-minute studying and 5-minute breaks, but I do 45-minute studying and 10-minute breaks because I feel like I can't get much done in 25 minutes!
If you're feeling super stressed during finals week, you could also meditate! I've been in a huge "promote meditation!!!!" mood lately, especially during these rough times, but I would say it really helps. I use the Calm app, but you could always find some on YouTube! Since I struggle with anxiety, taking the time to feel a sense of calmness and ease in my day really helps when I feel overwhelmed with my workload. I think that students, especially our generation, tend to get hungover grades and what the future is going to bring, but we should always keep our mental health first and try to remain in the present <3