Now that summer is over and school is back and running, how has the first few weeks of nursing school been as you entered this semester? Is it what you expected? Anything exciting happen during your time here. Join any new clubs or orgs that sparked any interest in you. Any doubts or fears that you may have for the semester ahead of you? If so, any tips to overcoming these fears? Feel free to talk about your exposure to this semester as a whole.
"The first few weeks of school has gone by so fast, but at the same time it feels as if I’ve been here for a long time! I am a first year transfer student and the only classes I am taking this semester related to nursing is the Intro to Jesuit Tradition (NURS 120) and Nursing in the Jesuit Tradition (NURS 170) class. So far they have been insightful to how the nursing profession looks like and how the values of the Jesuit practices are implemented to improve the care of the well being of both patients and families. With my nursing journey officially starting next semester, I am both nervous and excited…nervcited! I am excited to embark on my journey to care and support the people in my community, but I’m nervous and anxious about the rigor of nursing school. Since this is my first year at USF, I am hoping to join clubs/student organizations to build new connections and improve professional and interpersonal skills. Besides MSNS, I am interested in joining a service and friendship based co-ed fraternity, Alpha Phi Omega! Throughout my time here at USF, I hope to use the new friendships and bonds with my fellow nursing students to work together and strive through nursing school!!"
-- A Hardworking FR2 Nursing Student