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Remember Your Purpose


You are all in this program for a greater reason and purpose — to bring love, hope, and compassion to everyone. Throughout your darkest moments and times of despair, never

forget that. Although comparison, doubt, and stress will inevitably cast its temporary shadow over you during these few years, recall the reason why you are here today and cling to that passion. Life is so much more than getting the best grade or perfecting a clinical skill, and you will find tremendous peace and comfort after grasping this concept. Therefore, as you are scrambling to prepare for your next exam or clinical day, make sure to take a step back and live in the moment; cherish your time with family and friends. Through thick and thin, always give your best effort in all that you do — our patients deserve that. Your time as a student will fly by and soon you will be at the bedside as a Registered Nurse in charge of an individual’s life, just as I am now. As you embark on this journey to become a nurse, remember that there is nothing more rewarding than the profession you have chosen. It’s time to make a difference — are you ready?


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